The Best Diaper Options for Kittens in 2024
Plus, all your kitten-diaper questions answered (we know you have them).

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In this Article:
Best Diaper For Kittensopens in a new tab Reusable Diapers For Kittensopens in a new tab Disposable Diapers For Kittensopens in a new tab Cute Diapers for Kittensopens in a new tab How to Make a DIY Diaperopens in a new tab
If you’re in the market for a kitten diaper, you may have encountered some quizzical looks when you ask around about it. While it sounds pretty freaking adorable (a tiny kitten diaper — what could be cuter?) it’s also not something most people are familiar with.
“It isn’t common practice to use diapers on kittens, and it certainly isn’t something we’d do unless there was a medical need,” says Dr. Linda Simonopens in a new tab, a London-based veterinarian with over 10 years of experience. “Kittens generally get the hang of litter trainingopens in a new tab very quickly.”

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opens in a new tabThat said, if you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably here for a reason. Dr. Simon says kitten diapers may be needed for kittens who are paralyzed or incontinent, and that kittens with severe diarrheaopens in a new tab can wear diapers “very short-term” to keep messes at bay. She warns, however, that kitten diapers will need to be changed frequently, and that pet parents should bathe the kitten’s rear end regularly as well.