Why Does My Cat Have Eye Boogers? Reasons for the Issue · Kinship

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Why Does My Cat Have Eye Boogers?

by Dr. Alycia Washington, DVM, MS | expert review by Dr. Kathryn Boyle, MS, DVM
January 29, 2025
Man wiping cat's eyes with a cotton pad.
Vershinin89 / Shutterstock

While the occasional eye booger is usually no big deal, excessive or non-clear discharge may indicate a problem. If you find yourself staring at your cat and asking, “Why does my cat get eye boogers every day?”, it’s time to consider possible underlying issues.

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Why does my cat have so many eye boogers? 

Ocular discharge, or eye boogers, can result from infection, inflammation, external irritants, trauma, or even your cat’s anatomy. Like people, cats can wake up in the morning with a little bit of crust in their eyes, but that should be the extent of it. Excessive tearing or mucus production typically means that something is irritating the eyes and the body is working overtime to clean and protect the eyes. 

What causes cat eye boogers?

Ocular discharge in cats can result from various issues, ranging from temporary irritation to more serious systemic illnesses. In most cases, the discharge is caused by an underlying issue relating directly to the eyes. Here are some common causes of cat eye discharge.


The conjunctiva is the lining of the whites of the eye and inner surface of the eyelid. Conjunctivitis, commonly called pink eye, is inflammation of the conjunctiva and is a common cause of eye discharge in cats. Cats can develop conjunctivitis due to infectious reasons like upper respiratory infections or non-infectious reasons like environmental irritants.

Cats with herpesvirus, calicivirus, FIV, or FeLV are more susceptible to developing conjunctivitis. Symptoms include ocular discharge, squinting, and red, swollen eyes.  

Allergies and environmental irritants

Exposure to environmental irritants can lead to cat eye boogers, especially if a cat is allergic to them. Common household irritants include dust, smoke, mold, cleaning products, scented candles, and oil diffusers. Cats with irritated eyes may squint, paw at their eyes, or develop redness in addition to eye boogers. 

Upper respiratory infection

Upper respiratory tract infections (URI) in cats are a common reason for cats to have extra eye discharge. They are a highly contagious and common illness in cats that live in environments with lots of other cats, like shelters or catteries. URIs in cats are often the result of a combination of viral and bacterial infections. Feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus type 1 are the most common viral causes for URIs, while Chlamydia felis and Mycoplasma felis are the most common bacterial pathogens. Symptoms include ocular discharge, nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sneezing, and fever. 


Injury to the eye can cause ocular discharge in cats. Cats can sustain injuries to their eyes from fights with other cats, running through thorny plant material, exposure to chemicals, or just plain clumsiness. Traumatic eye injuries can result in painful corneal abrasions, corneal ulcers, punctures, and lacerations. Signs of eye pain in cats include squinting, pawing at their eyes, or avoiding being pet on the head. 

Foreign material in the eye

Foreign material in the eye like hair or plant material can cause excessive tearing. The discharge tends to be clear and slows significantly after the foreign material is out of the eye. 

Blocked nasolacrimal ducts:

Cats can develop watery eyes, also called epihora, due to excess tear production or impaired tear drainage. Exposure to irritants can cause temporary excess tear production as a form of protection. The nasolacrimal ducts are the tubes that carry tears from the eyes to the nasal cavity. If the ducts are blocked, tears can overflow, causing the eyes to water. Nasolacrimal duct blockage is most common in Persian and Himalayan cats. 

Decoding cat eye booger colors

The color of your cat’s eye boogers can provide important clues about the cause and their overall health. While some colors may indicate minor issues that call for close monitoring, others could signal serious eye problems that require veterinary attention.

Clear eye boogers

Clear tears are the body’s way of washing away irritants and keeping the eye lubricated. Excessive tears may be an indication that your cat has consistent exposure to an irritant or their nasolacrimal ducts are blocked. A few extra tears after walking through a cloud of dust is normal and should fix the problem. Constant tearing should be investigated. 

Cloudy eye boogers

Cloudy eye boogers (mucus) in the eyes can be a sign of keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), or dry eye. Cats with repeated flare-ups from feline herpesvirus can develop KCS. Mucus eye boogers can also be a sign of persistent irritation or early signs of an eye infection.  

Yellow or green eye boogers

Yellow or green eye boogers are often a sign of bacterial infection. Green ocular discharge is often accompanied with additional symptoms like conjunctivitis, nasal discharge, and sneezing. Eye infections in cats require prompt treatment. 

Red or brown eye boogers

Some cats, especially ones with light-colored fur, seem to have permanent red or brown goop in the corners of their eyes. If the eye boogers are thick and crusty, it can look like a cat has black eye boogers. If a cat is comfortable and the eyes are normal otherwise, this is not a huge deal. 

Two possible explanations for this color change are porphyrins and microorganisms. Some think that pigmented molecules called porphyrins are sometimes present in the tears and can stain light-colored fur red or brown, but a study suggested that cats do not have porphyrins in their tears like other species do. Another possible explanation is that the enzymes in tears affect bacteria and other organisms they may contact, leading to a color change. The moisture from tears also creates an ideal environment for yeast, which is known to darken skin and fur. 

When to seek expert help

Don’t hesitate to contact your vet if you notice any change to your cat’s eyes. Some causes of ocular discharge can not only cause your cat discomfort, but also threaten their vision if the problem worsens. Seek veterinary care for ocular discharge if your cat: 

  • Has changes to the appearance of their eyes

  • Shows signs of vision changes

  • Has ocular pain (squinting, rubbing/pawing their eyes, head shy)

  • Exhibits signs of a URI (coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion/discharge)

  • Exhibits signs of systemic illness (anorexia, vomiting, lethargy)

How do I clean my cat’s eye boogers?

If your cat’s eye boogers are excessive or crusty, gentle cleansing may help provide relief. Cleaning may also be a necessary step before giving your cat eye drops prescribed to address an underlying problem. 

To clean your cat’s ocular discharge, use soft material like cotton balls or a wash cloth soaked in saline solution or warm water. Gently wipe away the boogers without applying too much pressure. For stubborn eye boogers, hold a cotton ball or wash cloth soaked with warm water over the eyes to loosen the crust before removal. If your cat is too painful, or if you do not yet know the cause of your cat’s ocular discharge, consult a veterinarian. 

Final thoughts: Eye boogers in cats

Cats can develop ocular discharge for many reasons, including upper respiratory infections, trauma, allergies, and poor tear drainage. Excessive tearing should pass once a temporary irritant is removed. Persistent ocular discharge combined with other symptoms like sneezing, squinting, or change in an eye’s appearance indicates an issue that should be investigated by a vet. 


Why does my cat have red eye boogers?

One possible explanation for red eye boogers is porphyrin, a pigmented molecule that can make it look like a cat has red or brown eye boogers. Another possibility is the tears affect the microflora around the eye, resulting in color change. 

Why does my cat have green eye boogers?

Green ocular discharge in cats is typically a sign of bacterial infection, which can stem from the eye or the entire upper respiratory tract. Green eye boogers are usually seen with additional symptoms like squinting, sneezing, or nasal discharge. 


alycia washington, dvm

Dr. Alycia Washington, DVM, MS

Alycia Washington, DVM, is a small animal emergency veterinarian based in North Carolina. She works as a relief veterinarian and provides services to numerous emergency and specialty hospitals. Dr. Washington is also a children’s book author and freelance writer with a focus on veterinary medicine. She has a special fondness for turtles, honey bees, and penguins — none of which she treats. In her free time, Dr. Washington enjoys travel, good food, and good enough coffee. 

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