Can Dogs Sleep With Their Eyes Open?
Dogs: They’re not just like us.

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Why Dogs Sleep With Their Eyes Open opens in a new tab Is Sleeping With Open Eyes Normal?opens in a new tab Should I Be Concerned That My Is Dog Sleeping With Open Eyes?opens in a new tab Other Symptoms to Watch Foropens in a new tab
Strange as it might seem (and as much as it might creep you out), dogs do occasionally sleep with their eyes open. This behavior is primarily due to variations in canine sleep patterns. Unlike humans, dogs have a different sleep structure, incorporating more rapid eye movement (REM) sleep into their rest. While this might be disconcerting for some dog parents, it’s generally considered normal and doesn't necessarily indicate any health concerns. If there are other unusual behaviors or concerns about a dog’s sleep patterns, it’s always advisable to consult with a veterinarian for personalized advice and reassurance.
Still wondering what’s up with this funky behavior? A dog sleeping with their eyes open and rolled back does look pretty strange, and can even be upsetting to a pet parent who hasn’t seen this behavior before. Kinship talked to a couple of dog experts for more info on dogs sleeping with their eyes open: Read on to find out what they said.

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opens in a new tabWhy do dogs sleep with their eyes open?
“It’s not unusual for dogs to sleep with their eyes partially open,” says Shaina Dennyopens in a new tab, co-founder and CEO of Dogdropopens in a new tab. “Some do this as a result of lighter sleep patterns, or due to their eyelids not fully closing during relaxation.” Here are some reasons your dog may be sleeping with their eyes open.
Your dog is experiencing the REM stage of the sleep cycle.
Dogs, like humans, experience different stages of sleep — namely, rapid eye movement sleep (REM) and non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM). During REM sleep, the muscles relax, and your dog is likely to be deep in dreamland. This can lead to your dog twitching while sleeping with their eyes open. It looks strange, for sure, but it’s harmless.
Your dog may be alert.
The way dogs cycle through sleep stages, and the length of time they spend in each, is very different from how we sleep. A study published in the April 1993 issue of Applied Animal Behaviour Scienceopens in a new tab found that during eight hours of sleep, a group of dogs had 23 instances of waking and falling back to sleep. These cycles averaged 16 minutes of sleep and five minutes of wakefulness. “The pattern of sleeping and waking in dogs was quite different from that known to occur in humans,” the study authors write.
It may be that although your dog appears to be sleeping with their eyes open, they’re actually experiencing a period of alertness and will soon fall back to sleep (although they may not close their eyes, even then). Think of it this way: Your dog is keeping watch and making sure you’re safe, even while they’re sleeping.
Your dog is dreaming.
Another reason why dogs sleep with their eyes open is that they’re dreaming. “Dogs do dream! You might notice them twitching, paddling their paws, or making little noises while asleep,” Denny says.
As for what they're dreaming about, that’s anyone’s guess. Chasing squirrels at the park? Their favorite treat? If you’re worried your dog might be having a nightmare, you can always curl up and nap with them. It’s good for both of youopens in a new tab!
Is it normal for dogs to sleep with open eyes?
Again, as weird as it may look, and even alarming if you’ve never seen this type of behavior before, there is no cause for concern in most cases. “It is normal for dogs to sleep with their eyes open, or partially open, occasionally,” says veterinarian Nell Ostermeieropens in a new tab, a spokesperson with Figo Pet Insurance. “This can depend on the individual dog and stage of sleep they are experiencing.”
A few other strange-but-usually-normal classic dog behaviors: sleeping all dayopens in a new tab, laying down on your feetopens in a new tab, burrowing under the coversopens in a new tab, twitching in their sleepopens in a new tab, and freaking outopens in a new tab when they’re suddenly awakened.
Should I be concerned if my dog is sleeping with their eyes open?
Many dog parents worry that there’s something wrong with their dog that’s causing them to sleep with their eyes open. But Ostermeier offers words of reassurance. “If you only notice it occasionally, then there is no cause for alarm,” she says, and suggests gently waking your dog if you’re concerned. “If you do alert your dog, and they awaken easily and are acting normal once awake, then you shouldn’t worry.”
Symptoms to watch for if your dog is sleeping with their eyes open
There are some instances in which you should be concerned and contact your vet right away, Ostermeier says. These include:
Your dog seems disoriented or lost, is not acting normal, or is falling over when they wake up. This can indicate a seizureopens in a new tab.
You notice redness, irritation, or discharge from your dog’s eyes.
Your dog is falling asleep in unusual places, or at odd times of day.
“If your dog suddenly starts sleeping with their eyes open or displays other unusual behaviors during sleep, like excessive twitching or vocalization, it might warrant a closer look,” Denny adds. “Other symptoms to watch for include changes in sleep patterns, restlessness, or signs of physical discomfort.”
Is there anything I should do if my dog is sleeping with their eyes open?
Because sleeping with their eyes open is normal and generally not a cause for concern, you don’t need to do anything except keep your own eyes open for any of the symptoms above, such as disorientation, falling over, red or goopy eyes, and unusual sleep behavior.
That said, Denny says that at her dog daycare, they go to great lengths to provide a calm environment that fosters quality restopens in a new tab. If you want to help your pup get top-shelf sleep, try incorporating some of her suggestions into your dog’s next naptime, such as playing a zen music playlist or giving your dog a gentle massage — or both at the same time. “Incorporating moments of downtime in a dog’s day is just as crucial as engaging them in stimulating activitiesopens in a new tab,” she says.
You can also ensure your dog gets good rest by giving them plenty of exercise so they’re thoroughly worn out and ready to snooze, and by making sure their crate or other sleep space is cozy and comfy for them.
Are there other conditions that can cause dogs to sleep with their eyes open?
While sleeping with their eyes open is indeed normal, it may be more likely in certain instances. An elderly, blind, sick, or dying dog that sleeps with eyes open is not uncommon. That is not to say that a senior dog who sleeps with their eyes open is necessarily dying or sick. If you know your dog is unwell, though, you may also notice an increase in them sleeping with their eyes open.
FAQs (People also ask):
Do all dogs sleep with their eyes open?
Not all dogs sleep with their eyes open, Ostermeier and Denny both say. Just like humans, dogs are individuals, and while of course they have some things in common due to being members of the same species (such as their quick-cycling wake/sleep cycle), any dog parent can attest to their pup’s unique personality and particular quirks.
Should I take my dog to the vet if they are sleeping with their eyes open?
If your dog is exhibiting any concerning behavior, if their eyes look irritated opens in a new tab— red or goopy — or if you have a gut feeling something is wrong, it’s always worth contacting your vet for a closer look at what might be going on. That said, the experts we spoke with emphasized that sleeping with their eyes open is a totally normal and expected dog behavior.
Should I wake/avoid waking my dog if they are sleeping with their eyes open?
“It's generally best to let a sleeping dog be,” Denny says. “They’re likely in the midst of a dream state and waking them abruptly might startle them. However, if your dog appears distressed or seems caught in a nightmare, gently waking them with soft reassurance can help.”
How can I tell if my dog is dreaming?
“Dogs do dream, and during this time their body might twitch or shake, they may be vocal, and they can have eye movement,” Ostermeier says. If you’re tempted to wake your dreaming dog for fear they’re having a nightmare, she advises caution. “It is impossible to know whether your dog is having a good or bad dream and best to let them continue sleeping. This is because you might startle them, which could lead to an accidental nip or bite. If you do decide to wake them, it is best to go slow and use a calm voice.”

Elizabeth Laura Nelson
Elizabeth Laura Nelson is a writer and editor based in Brooklyn, New York. As a child, Elizabeth was scared of cats (claws and teeth, yikes) but she has since gotten over her fear and now shares her home with three sweet and gentle feline companions who make life better (and cuddlier) every day.
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